
Box Model Changes
In IE7, we changed the behavior of overflow to align with the CSS2.1 box model. Overflow is describes as a method to specify whether content of a block-level element is clipped when it overflows the box. The default is visible. This value (visible) indicates that content is not clipped, i.e. it may be rendered outside the box. IE in the past did not support this behavior. Content always had to fit within a box dimensions. Imagine a box with width and height of 100px. If the content is smaller than 100px then IE would follow the specifications. If the content exceeded the size we would auto-grow the box to fit the content. To demonstrate this behavior, take a look at the following code sample.

Box Model Changes
In IE7, we changed the behavior of overflow to align with the CSS2.1 box model. Overflow is describes as a method to specify whether content of a block-level element is clipped when it overflows the box. The default is visible. This value (visible) indicates that content is not clipped, i.e. it may be rendered outside the box. IE in the past did not support this behavior. Content always had to fit within a box dimensions. Imagine a box with width and height of 100px. If the content is smaller than 100px then IE would follow the specifications. If the content exceeded the size we would auto-grow the box to fit the content. To demonstrate this behavior, take a look at the following code sample.